So, I almost had a breakdown at Walmart today.
I'll explain.
I don't have health insurance, I lost it last year cuz I was out of school. Okay, I can handle it. I can get insurance through work. Right? Nope. Part-timers like myself can only enroll in benefits at certain pre-determined spans of time, known as an Open Enrollment Period. So, my boss being the douchebag he is, fails to tell me when those are.
So I turn to MassHealth. Got turned down for that because my employer offers health insurance.
I'll let that sink in a little.
Moving on! Two weeks ago I came down with the sniffles. No biggie, right? That's what I thought. Fast forward, and I'm coughing up NEON GREEN MUCUS. Today I decided to take care of it. The office visit was $105, not bad, I can splurge for my health. My temperature was 103 degrees. I normally run in the low 98s. So I get the big nebulizer machine, which is a gift from GOD, and the doc writes my scripts before I leave. An inhaler, some antibiotics, and prednisone.
So off I go to Walmart, cuz the drugs would be cheaper there, right?
Yeah, right. The prednisone was $4, not bad. But everything else? HA. The woman behind the counter told me how much, and I almost lost it. I was tired, and menstrual, and achy, and JUST WANTED MY FREAKING MEDS. So I stepped away and called my mom.
Shut up.
So Mom calls the Doc, and after waiting a half hour for him to call her back, he tells her to tell me to stop by the office, he has all my meds there. Turns out he just raided the sample cabinet.
So now my big decision is whether or not I want to go to New Hampshire with the family. Mom wants to go to Strawberry Banke, and I'm really under-enthused about it. I'm thinking I'm just gonna pack my notebook, sunblock, and a fully charged iPod to get me through the ordeal.
Or just not go, and spend the day attached to my inhaler, and my Gilmore Girls DVDs.
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