Thursday, January 14, 2010


1. The Blue: Vivi's Story
2. A Girl and Her Cyborg co-write
3. As yet unnamed Tru/Story co-write
4. As yet unnamed co-write on LJ
5. Speak No Evil (NaNo 2009)
6. Siren's Song (NaNo 2008)
7. As yet unnamed Senga/Tucker script


Jill, I think I know how you feel. We should start a support group.


So, computer issues have kicked my butt laely, but all is good now.

I really need to make a list of all my projects, and pick one to work on at a time. Seriously, it's ridiculous. My brain has been itching to work on my Senga/Tucker script, and it's ticking me off. I might just say F THAT and turn it into a novel. Or I could just work on my original Senga/Tucker novel from two years ago. I'll do that soon. Oooof.